Friday, September 5, 2008

The Book By It's Cover

I'm a freak, I realize this. I whine about exercising but when I'm not doing it, I'm getting jiggy. I find myself resisting urges to do push-ups, crunches, jog while I'm at work, standing in line at the grocery store or even waiting at the bank.

I hear that this is not such an unusual thing, when someone is a fitness crazy person and then they have a spell where they aren't.

Where was I going with this? Oh yes, so I made plans for jogging to alleviate some of my jiggyness (that is TOO a work, just ask W. Smith).

The plans were with a gal from my boot camp class. She's nice, I think. She reminds me of a cross between one of those people you find on a fitness CD and Martha Stewart. For a while, I just didn't get her. She can out run me and essentially out exercise me. She's blond too. Which no offense to those of you that are but when you live your life as a brunette? You get a blond complex.

I'd like to think I'm not a judgemental person. But I totally AM. I don't show it on the outside, I'm always friendly and polite but in this brain of mine ... with people I don't really know ...

So I ended up jogging with her. Just me. Just her. I wasn't really sure how it would go and I wasn't really sure what we would discuss as we did some laps. It turned out to be very interesting.

People often surprise me. I ended up liking her. She's not the person I thought she was. As we talked about our family and a little of our lives, I realized she's just like any other person in this world. She's got her shit to deal with to.

Which made me feel better about this whole judgemental thing. I'm not perfect either and the next time I find myself in the "she's perfect" crap mode. I need to realize that, there just ain't no such thing.

If you know what I mean ...

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