Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Calm

School went well yesterday ... I think. My son told me in one single solitary word how it went. BORING. That's good right?

He and I went over a stack of paperwork and I signed and he signed and so today? He is ready for Day Two.

My daughter and I? Went over nothing. She probably has a stack of paperwork for me to sign but didn't want to deal with it. Her answer to my question about school was a fake smile. So I picked her brain. Turns out she in classes (as in all her classes AND lunch) with none of her friends. She's bummed. While I think this might be a ... oh I dunno ... good thing because she won't be distracted, it also leaves her open TO MEET OTHER PEOPLE. She did explain that school wasn't horrible, she just doesn't know anyone in her classes, AT ALL.

At first my protective bear mode kicked in and I was going to call in the CALVARY, or the school guidance counselor and ask her WHY WHY WHY.

But upon further thought, I decided to wait it out. She's seems okay with this.


Amy said...

Boring, waste of time, what a joke...I think those were LM's prized comments. Although he only had a half day and then yesterday was off of school because...wait for it....they didn't have power. NICE.

Yeah. So we'll see how today goes. But I have to agree with him, his classes, for him, ARE a joke.

Trouble is, we're having a bit of trouble getting transportation to the one class that would NOT be a joke. OIY

Sassy said...

Good thinking! I'm sure she will be fine and it's always good to meet new people. =)