Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Twisted Karmic Retrobution

I keep trying to post my vacation pictures to no avail.

I repeat. No avail.

First it was the "internal error". Then I was able to put together a post with five or six pictures ... when (cue the suspense music, dun dun dun) my computer froze. Alright, froze is a word I use for "not responding fast enough". It appeared to be continually saving.

So I had my man check stuff out, as this is a new Dell. He did. He did the usual check of systems stuff. Did a Ad-Ware scan. There may have been 75 cookies. AHEM. He closed some things that were running in the background that needed to be. He did the update that I had been ignoring ... for a month or so.

And now I'm going to try again. Today.

Because I am off to hang with my Mother-In-Law and have my parents over for lunch.

Oh this should be fun. And I say that because everyone gets along so well that, in fact, it will be incredibly boring.

Still it's better than WORK.


Anonymous said...

no drama is always boring. You can't instigate anything?

jenny said...

No drama may be boring but it's inherently less stressful.

Enjoy your workless day!

Sassy said...

Yeah..anything is better than it 5:00 yet?