Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Weirdest Dream

I overslept this morning.  Which figures because.  1.  It's my youngest's 6th birthday today.  So my subconscious must have automatically thought SLEEP IN.  You see, I spend my kids birthday with them.  I brought them into this world, let's celebrate together sort of thing.  I will spoil them in some way.  One year I took my oldest shopping for a new bedroom for her birthday.  (huge success) Or taking my son to Game Stop and letting him pick out a few games and going bowling.  They get to skip school.  We have Birthday Dinner.  Cake, Presents.  Today's plan?  Bring home an adorable 4-month old bunny.  Who we have named Buddy (one FB friend put up "Elvis" when I asked for names, losers were Mutton and Dinner).  We talked about naming him Hansom.  You can see his picture on my Sidebar.  Its true love I tell you.  The whole house is smitten.  Myself included. He will be a show bunny as my daughter joins the 4-H HAre RaIsErs. 

But I digress ....

and 2. I was having this really intense dream last night.  The kind where you are in a dead dead sleep, your body totally paralyzed as you watch a scene play out.  You spend the entire dream trying to convince someone that they need to listen.  What they are doing is wrong.  They need to come back home with you and everything will be okay.  Then you loose sight of the person.  Search for them.  Anxious.  Find him again.  Continue to try and convince him and then realize it's your husband, your heart twists again and again.  Looking as gorgeous as ever, ten years younger with longer hair.  And more determined to just go off, leave. Done. Good-bye.

Then I woke up.  And realized it was 7:15.  I take a closer look at my clock and the alarm is completely turned off (something I never do, unless I'm asleep when I do it).  Crap.  My son needed to be at the High School by 7 AM.  Crap.  Thankfully his routine is this.

I wake him up.  Tell him how we've overslept.
He lays there for 2-3 minutes.  (that's about all I give him, then I come back in telling him it's his most "favorite" time of the day and ask, again, that he get up)
He gets up, puts on socks and maybe changes his shirt.  Grabs his books. Turns out his light.
I put out his ADD med and milk.  He takes it.
Hits the bathroom.
And we go.

God bless that boy.  By 7:25 we were out the door.  I walked him in at 7:35 and before we can get through the second door, we were met with a teacher sitting at a school size desk, stack of tardy slips in the front of him and several student lists to look through.  In my head I thought, "Hey There, Mr. Madeup are you the Tardy Guy? (I didn't say this because I know him, he is the teacher that is rumored to put the more buxom girls in the front of his class so that he can look down their shirts.).  He didn't care that I was there with my hair a mess, no make up.  I sent the boy in.

Still thinking of this dream.  It's 9 pm now.  I've thought about it on and off all day.  A day which was fantastic and deserves a post of it's own (coming soon).  The anguish I felt in that dream is the same that I've been feeling when I'm awake.  It sucks.

Like my heart is broken.  And it hurts.

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