Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Moment To Spare

My six year old in on a play date this afternoon.  It started right at the end of the school day when the mom picked them up.  Oh she was so excited this morning because "today was finally the day".  She packed extra paper in her backpack and brought her bulbasaur for good measure.  The Pokemon legacy lives on in the house. 15 years and counting.

Anyway its hard to network to potential play date parents when you work.  You miss the bus stop chatter or the pick up routine.  When Mom's meet up and discuss playground options or weekend kid plans.  But my youngest makes it easy.  She is friendly with everyone and it would seem like everyone wants to play with her, so those play dates?  Set themselves these days.

I got a text a little while ago that the girls have made it home safely and were playing.  Usually she is here, right next to me, sitting on my lap, wanting to see what I am doing, wanting to tell me a story, wanting to ask me a question.

Its really nice to just sit.  And stare off.

Then I think about the laundry, and dinner.  There are still four other mouths to feed.  Did I mention she gets to stay for dinner as well?  The mom asked me if she was picky.  I had to laugh at that because my oldest two? WICKED PICKY.  I replied that she will eat chicken and steak.  (apparently they are having chicken).

What are we having for dinner?  I have no idea.  Pizza perhaps?  (frozen kind, don't get too excited) Or maybe cheeseburgers and spicy fries. 

Or I could just sit back and relax.

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