Monday, January 3, 2011

On The Agenda ...

I cannot believe how quickly the holidays came and went (and apparently, if you type that sentence quickly you will simultaneously hit several keys, have no idea which, and cause you to highlight and delete that sentence.)

Moving on.

The holidays were different for me this time around.  There are now several things that have changed.  The first is, all our gifts were paid for up front.  We no longer have any credit cards so anything we have, its paid for by cash.  Yes, this is an excellent thing.  It made it so I wasn't spending the holiday (like last year) trying not to do a mental tally of what we owed.  Instead I enjoyed it and it was fun.

The second is, there were no plans to go out and visit.  While my parents and brother came over on Christmas Day (I could write an entire blog post about how manipulative my brother is, but lets not go there) we didn't go out and visit the kids Uncle nor did we do the Family Yankee Swap on New Year's Eve (if it was even held on New Year's Eve because no one official invites us, its more of an open invitation) either.  Instead we spent lots of time at home, relaxing.

As all good things come to an end, it was back to work today.  It felt like the enter office staff was "walking on eggshells"  ~waves to boss~ That's all I'm saying about that.  Ahem.

Now its Day #3 into 2011 and I'm feeling optimistic.  I'd like this year to be calm, unstressed and consistently boring .... pah-lease.

I know, it's unrealistic but that's what I'd like.  And what kind of year do you want?

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