Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why, I do declare!

You know already that Monday's are bad right?  Well how about the Tuesday after a long weekend?  That's bad too right?  And how about the Tuesday after a long weekend and a week's vacation?

Yeah, sucks.  Lots of paperwork to review and move off my desk.  20+ emails, voice mail too.

Then I came home to some "taxi" co-ordination as it was Freshman/Senior Buddy Night.  Where the Senior Class organizes and orientation for the Freshman.  And my daughter had to run the table for her Anime Club (they signed up six new kids!).  There was a complete school tour and pizza.  Course parents get to "Meet The Principal" too, something I planned to do until I found out I had to work.

Which I found annoying but got over.  Because getting paid trumps the new Principal, no matter how much I wanted the face time so that I could talk about my two PresHush BaHbees!! 

Here is where I confess that my day wasn't THAT bad.  Yes I am behind and Yes I did have drive kids around and work my second job.

But for whatever reason .... today ... It didn't bother me, one bit.  Probably because tomorrow is the first day of school.  What do they say?  "Its the most wonderful time ... of the year?"

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