Monday, July 13, 2009

Everything In Moderation ...

I can't believe it's Monday ... again ... the weekend flies by and before you know it's back to sitting behind a desk, answering phones ... and this week ...

Taking applications. We ran an employment ad on Friday and by the time I left there was plenty of interest. We filled the two slots within minutes ... and now to deal with the rest ...

I have meetings Tuesday and Wednesday nights this week. Thursday we are going to hear a band play, which is fun but work too. There's a long stretch until Friday and if I'm lucky, another weekend with no plans.

I spent my weekend, inside. While it was beautiful and sunny outside, I had much cleaning I wanted to do inside. Cleaning what you ask? Like there could even remotely be a spot in my house that isn't already clean? Cleaning two bedrooms that were long overdue for it. I do mean long people! I can safely say that four trash bags later, lots of dust bunnies, dirty clothes and stinky bedsheets later, the house is certainly smelling better, overall. I am still several loads of blankets and sheets away from being done with the whole thing, but I am loving the freshness.

None of this changes the fact that my babies are so far away from home or the aching in my heart from not seeing them.

I am already tired of hearing how great this is for all of us.

It doesn't feel great at all.


Amy said...

No, we just say that because in the long run...yeah, but who really cares about the long run? I had to call and talk with mine about his mission trip this week via phone. That about killed me. And that I won't be the first to hear all about it? It's really going to do me in. I just want him home. And I have weeks to go.

Sassy said...

Aww poor Mig. *hugs*