Wednesday, June 24, 2009

End Of Another Year

School year that is. The kids are out of school as of noon-time today ... For them, summer is here. Although you'd never know it with all the sopping wet weather we have had.

Tomorrow is the big bash. I plan on getting a semi-head count from my daughter as we take our last ride to the High School for her last day of Freshman year.

Not that I'm sentimental about it or anything. Just thinking about how she only has three years left of school before she takes yet another big step towards living her own life. That's the hard part for me. I will miss her.

My husband and I have relented this year. I should say that in previous years my MIL has asked repeatedly for her grand kids to fly to Florida and stay with her. For a week. For a month. For the whole summer. Our answer has always been no. Until now.

At 15, my daughter is wanting a summer job and while that won't happen this time around (with this economy it's hard to even find a summer job, adults are taking them all) by next year I think she will do it. So really this summer? Is the summer for it.

I booked one way tickets. That makes me uneasy. But my MIL insists she will figure out how they are coming back, most likely flying but maybe they will take a train.

I am anxious about them flying alone. I know they will be fine but it does little to put my mind at ease. Let alone the fact that for an entire month, they will be gone.

My mess makers.
My babysitters.
The bane of my existence some days.

But as a parent, you reach a point where it's important to let go. To let them experience life without you waiting in the shadows or standing in the background.

July 8th is the day it begins.


jenny said...

A month? A MONTH?!?!?!

Oh my.

Sassy said...

Aww. Don't worry, they will be back before you know it!

Amy said...

preachin' to the choir, sistah, preachin' to the choir! (I feel your pain)