Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Wind Beneath My Wings

Dear Dad,

It would be years before I would understand you. Many years. Like a never-ending story, I only get you a chapter at a time. The first I remember is a younger you, always yelling. Wanting to be heard, expressing your frustration. Like many young couples raising two children (one with mental health issues) there was alot to be heard on. To this day, I can imitate your "Italian salute" and accompanying Italian swear words. You'd be so proud.

When I was a teenager I remember our endless sessions going around and around about whatever. Why you let me tell you, again and again to go "suck and egg" I have no idea. I now fondly can appreciate your explanation of how the color black (my favorite color to this day) is really the absence of color. You were there for my High School and Business School Graduations, I hope that when you saw me through those milestones you were proud.

One of my fondest memories of you was your willingness to talk to Mom about my moving out and into my own place. I can only imagine how hard it was for you to come out and ask me if I had "protection" when you found out the truth, that I was moving in with a guy and to share your understanding that the heart knows what it wants, when it wants it.

However, it wouldn't be until years later that I would appreciate your math abilities and your interest in astronomy. I miss standing out in the darkest, coldest night looking at craters on the moon or seeing a bright star in the heavens through that expensive lens. I now miss all those times you were showing the phenomenal pictures of black holes and the birth of stars. I don't think your telescope even comes out anymore because there are lights everywhere.

It is only within the last several years that I have really come to understand that time on earth is a limited thing. And as I watch you age and I enjoy your company more and more, I am sad that our get-together's are so few and far between. I wish I could see you every day. I wish that you could share in our lives and see your grandchildren more frequent.

I never know what the next Chapter of you will be but I am going to enjoy each and every one of them. You are interesting. You have been there for me for my entire life.

I love you dad.