Sunday, June 22, 2008

As The Baby Screams

You can gauge a good day with the little one by how hard it is for her to get to sleep at bedtime. Clearly she isn't ready for bed. Although when I put her there she was game.

Now, not-so-much. She is crying for Ma-Ma. I am not about to give in. I need a break. I need some me time. That time is now.

Her dad might rescue her.


We had an incident earlier this week. A remote was thrown at a door that is 90% individual panes of glass. You'll never guess what happened.

And you'd be right. 100-year old glass doesn't break nicely. It falls into shards. Oh there was ALOT of apologizing for it. I do realize foolishness happens (it also doesn't hurt for it to happen when your friend is sleeping over and Mom doesn't want to make a scene)

It got taped up today and now will forever be cardboard. Oh it will go on that to-do list but it is already a mile long and probably the day we want to sell it, it'll move up.

Until then? Cardboard with blue painters tape. If I could of gotten all the glass out of the frame ... it would have been a cat door but no such luck.

One of the shards?

Ended up in my foot. I dug it out today. It had healed over but was a painful spot so I knew there had to be something there. Nothing says FUN like digging in the pad of your foot with a safety pin. Whooooie!

As an additional bonus, pollen is rampant here. I don't think I could be more allergic. The obnoxiously dry hacking cough I am experiencing is incredibly embarrassing and fucking annoying.

Embarrassing because it happens at the worst times, like when I am at the library paying over-due fines. Eyes beam red, throat tightens until I can't hold the cough in anymore, not a single stick of gum or hard candy in my bag. People looking at me like my lung might come up any second. The pointing out of the bubbler.

Fucking annoying because once it gets going it ... just ... doesn't .... stop. I can drink all the water I want but until that tickle has passed, I'm hacking and hacking and hacking. Repeat.

I went to the drugstore today and picked up five key things. None of which was cough medicine. THE WHOLE REASON WHY I WENT. I didn't cough once while I was there, riding to it or back.

Figures. I'm using throat spray and I managed to scrounge up some allergy medicine.

Hopefully it all will pass. Cuz you know ....


Sassy said...

If you lived closer, I could get that window fixed for you. I work for a window company.

Allergies are killing me and the dog!

Is it Friday yet?

Mig said...

That FIGURES!!!!

Maybe I can do a special order, if I can find the tape measure!