Saturday, May 31, 2008

We Now Continue With Our Regularly Scheduled Program ...

Conflict? That is so three days ago people! Let's move on shall we?

I'm sitting here chowing down on a sandwich and wondering how many "things" I can get done during this two-hours (hopefully) nap. The baby is still in the mild fever range but for whatever reason (and seriously, what ever the reason, I wish I could bottle it because she's been a total sweetheart) it's like she's fine. Just warm.

Doesn't make it any easier to get anything done. Want to balance your check book? Go right ahead, just monitor the baby because any sort of quiet equals bad news. such as an entire roll of toilet paper undone or gigantic holes of dirt dug out in the flower planter.

So nap time is warp speed. Where I fold a load of laundry, sort it and put it away in under five minutes. Where I whip through the mail and hope there are no bills tucked in those endless flyer's and catalogs that I get bombarded with. Oh and maybe eat and pee without an audience. (what TMI?)

I was back painting in my daughter's bedroom last night and plan on doing the same this evening. At the rate I'm going she'll be off to college by the time I get the ceiling done. I don't hate painting but if someone would just hand me a brush and open the paint can, I'd be FINE. Instead I have to find the brush, hope it got cleaned from it's last use and where is the screw driver? Oh YES under a pile of dirty clothes and anime books strewn about. This whole living in the area I'm trying to work in ... well it's hard.

All this painting has shown me how easy it will be to just finish up my last bookcase. Ok, I realize this isn't about me but HELLO there are still books on the floor in my library and that bookshelf isn't going to paint itself. Besides, I'll just do it now, in my two hour window.

Or think I will.

I'm working on a post about the Mantis visit. I also am working on a post about our family evening last week. Complete with the most adorable pictures.

But first I have only a zillion other things to do ....

1 comment:

Sassy said...

Do you ever just rest and do NOTHING? :p

Can't wait to see the adorable pictures!