Monday, April 28, 2008

Any Typical Monday

I'm home early. Home from my night meeting. It lasted ONE HOUR. My group is attending a larger televised meeting.

I am watching it on local access as I type. There is nothing exciting going on AT ALL. I am thrilled to not be there and almost, a teeny tiny bit of almost, feel bad that several members are still there.

Ok, I'm over it now.

Today was filled with the usual Monday chaos. I was busy doing other stuff this weekend, so Monday greeted me with an empty fridge, empty water jugs and an empty wallet.

What else is new.

I got some belated flowers. And bossman, if you are reading (which I really hope you aren't but if you are, I'm not moving anymore) THANK YOU. They are roses and purple flowers and I love them. They are living on my kitchen table and I hope they last the week.

My son's day wasn't the best, nor mine (see empty wallet reference). He had his consultation for orthodontia today. This involves, x-rays (many), digital pictures of teeth (using these plastic mouth handles that stretch your mouth out so your teeth and gums are exposed) and impressions. I should mention here how my son has a strong GAG reflex. The lucky boy. And, while not diagnosed officially, I think he has some sensory issues also.

We got through it. I saw what he had for lunch and I don't think either of us are scarred for life. So let's go with that.

The bargain price for all this, not covered by my Dental Insurance was $300. Payable immediately, do not pass go. Do not collect. Pay.

And just to end the day on a fun note. I am wearing these trendy bell-bottom type jeans.

That my toe just got stuck in, as I went to get up, causing me to fall down on all fours, on the carpet, right by my bed, with a THUD and making me laugh and making my knees sting.

Oh yes, it's Monday.


Amy said...

It's your categories for your posts that make it even funnier!!

So, Gracey, want to come take LM to the ortho consult? He doesn't have any gagging problems and he does just fine with all the torture they do, it's just that I've had to reschedule 5 times already because hey, it's painful to take off a whole day of subbing just to have them tell you it's going to be a $7000 investment!!

Sassy said...

Monday is my enemy.