Thursday, March 13, 2008

Reason #3456 Why It Sucks To Be Me

I had a panic attack at boot camp this morning. I asked the instructor to turn down the heat as we did a series of three minute jogs and I felt my lungs closing, my heart pounding and face turning beat red (as in more beat read than usual when jogging is involved).

I recognized it for what it was, sadly, this isn't the first time it's happened. It just doesn't usually happen during exercise, it's more of when I'm arguing with someone or I feel personally attacked.

It's fucking scary.


Sassy said...

Panic attacks ARE scary. It's not fun feeling like you're having a heart attack. Maybe you should check into some meds for it. It will help.

Thinking of you!

Amy said...

Oh my dear Mig, deep breaths, deep breaths (yes, I get that deep breathing was exactly what you were NOT able to do - work with me here, sheesh.)

I wish we could hang for a night and just laugh and giggle and share our stresses together.

Hang in there!!