Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's a Throat Thing

Ohhhhhhh, I don't have time to be sick! WTF!

I dreamt all night long that I couldn't breathe and my throat felt scratchy. I remember briefly using some nasal spray.

Then I woke up. Talk about reality. Oh well.

Boot Camp should be fun tomorrow eh?

1 comment:

Sarah Louise said...

I've discovered this great stuff Zucol (which is only sold at Rite Aid). It's derived from South African geranium. (if you google that you can find out more). Best if you start 24-48 hrs of cold starting, etc. etc. but they even use it for folks with bronchitis. (Well, not Zucol, but the herb derivative.)

I have a little cold too. And tons of bizarre dreams...