Tuesday, February 12, 2008


We have a potential new candidate for one of my night committee's. They have taken out their papers and they have gotten the necessary signatures to get themselves on the ballot. They attended our meeting last night.

That's the easy part.

One of the existing members, whose term is going to expire, has done the same thing. And while this person has been with us for a long time and I'd like to see them leave, I question what the new person's motives are and what the lesser of the two evils are.

Regardless, they will have to run against a candidate that is well known and well versed in the topics we discuss. I've seen this happen before and the outcome is always the same. New person looses, old person stays.

Could we use some change in the group? Absolutely. Could we use a young, divorce, army guy who reads years of previous minutes, follows discussion boards on the latest topics in our town and emails me like crazy picking my brain about key players?

I'm not sure.


Sassy said...

A young, divorced army guy...I don't know if you could use that, but I sure could :p lmao

Mig said...

He's cute too!
Not that I noticed or anything.

Amy said...

I think you need to give young, divorced, army guy MY email (assuming by young you mean 30's) and tell him there are FAR better ways to spend his time; i.e. we could discuss the complete breakdown of the Patriots in the final game of the season (football is immensely more entertaining than town minutes) or how about the best chili recipe (see recent post) or even debating who has worse weather...don't ya think?

Holly said...

Sucks don't it? Why is it that the new people that want to get involved some how come across as luntics and the person who has been there forever comes across as a rubber stamper? It's a tough choice!

BTW, as an FYI, I subscribed to your feed tonight, that way I can keep up a little better, or at least I hope to!